There is a very small window of time where I can still post about Maddy's 11 months.  Since she'll be 12 months old in like 72 hours.  I think usually I post about the things she has learned to do in the previous weeks leading up to her actual "month-aversary" but since that was a while ago I'll just update you on things she is doing as of today! 
At 11+ months old Maddy loves:
*to say "uh oh" even with no cause, but usually right before she decides to drop food off her high chair tray to the ground, or her pacifier out of the crib. I used to try to discipline and say "no no" and shake my finger at her, now she says "uh oh" followed by the drop of her sippy cup or food, and ends with a shake of HER finger! 
*MUSIC!  Anytime I turn on a CD or she hears it on TV or on a toy, she will start bouncing or rocking.  So cute!
*her Woof-Woof and Teddy....basically any stuffed aniimal or doll.  For her stuffed puppy she will say "woof-woof" and start smacking her lips to give kisses.  She has gotten very huggy too, she will wrap her arms around whatever she has, lay her head down and give hugs!  She does that with Dan and I too.  LOVE IT.
*Eating whatever Mom and Dad are eating.  Doesn't matter if we've just stuffed her full of her own dinner.  If Dan or I have something, she will want some too.
*Our giant blue exercise ball.  She says "ba ba" any time she spots it and while she was afraid of it at first, since it is bigger than she is.  She will now go up to it and push it around or even try to side kick it if she is holding on to something while standing up.  It's pretty funny!

Things Maddy has learned:
*If I ask her "what does a _____ say?"  She can now respond accurately to- duck (which she has known for a long while), lion, cow (although she says "boooo"), monkey, and if she sees a puppy or hears one, she responds with "woof woof!"
*She crawls super fast now and stands up and walks along everything.  She can walk the perimeter of a room, just holding on to the objects or even flat wall in her path.
*To get into MISCHIEF!  She loves sneaking into whatever room we've accidentally left the door cracked open to.  Specifically the pantry.  If we haven't barricaded the stairs, she will sneak over, go up one step, look back to see if I am looking, and when I am and say "no no" she will turn back and start going up to the second stair...slowly, just to see what I will do.  When I rush over, saying "I'm gonna get you!"  she gets all excited but just works faster at trying to get up the stairs!  Little stinker!
*When I sing "Popcorn Popping" she moves her hands like popcorn is popping!  She kinda knows where her nose is when I ask her.  She can give eskimo kisses.  And her latest accomplishment will have to be saved for the next post!  Stay tuned! 

4/7/2009 06:23:46 am

Wow that's awesome she does so much! Bradley doesn't say anything. I'm feeling a little bit like a failure... lol

4/9/2009 09:15:38 am

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Maddie! Yeah! AND congrats to you and Dan on this wonderful milestone! I hope you guys have a fun and memorable celebration. I wish we lived closer so we could join in.


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