Five months old today... Oh how time flies!  From her last Dr. appointment which was about 2 weeks ago she weighed in at 12lbs 9oz (25%), height is 25.5 inches (75%), and head 42.4cm (75%) - half of that is probably her hair...

She has started rice cereal, though she's not crazy about it yet, she can roll over from tummy to back which makes tummy time pretty much impossible, she has been rolling from her back to tummy, but more often she stops at her hip.  She is very curious and aware of her surroundings.  She can giggle and laugh like crazy and talk and sing too!  Just this week she started a noise that sounds like she has a respiratory problem, but I know it's not, it's just one of her softer quieter noises that is funny to hear.  She is getting very good with her hands and can reach for and grab whatever she wants and can turn around her pacifier to get the end she wants.  She has become a thumb sucker which helps at night to get her soothed when the pacifier falls out...And HOORAY!  She slept through the night for the first time on Sunday night!  I never heard her fuss until 3:53am so I went to feed her (I decided that my rule was I wouldn't feed her before 4am if I was able to get her back to sleep within 10 min)  So far so good!  She also has gotten very good with her feet and uses them as her second pair of hands for sucking and grabbing things (see pic below).  We sure do love our little girl and is it crazy that I'm already anxious for Christmas with her!?!?  Yeah, I know, she won't have the same enthusiasm this year, and the gifts she gets will not matter, only the taste of the wrapping paper will, but STILL!

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