We had some kind friends donate a bassinet to us...it was their 3rd bassinet donation and I offered to take one off of their hands!  Apparently Utah is the place to be for baby handouts!  So Dan's wonderful parents picked it up while they were there for conference and here it is!

    There were some pretty big discolorations on it in various places, that I thought were stains.  But after a couple hours soaking in Oxyclean and a good wash, everything came out looking brand new!  The wheels can fold under so it can rock too. 
    We will also be getting another bassinet from Katina when she's done using it in a few months.  I figure we can use one upstairs and one downstairs or take one to Grandma and Grandpas for visits.  It's fun getting baby stuff and having it on display, gives our home a new feel, kinda like when you decorate for Christmas, but in a little more significant way!

    Also, here's my 16-17 week belly...I'm growing by the minute!  Okay, I know all you veteran moms are saying, oh my you are so tiny.  But let me tell you, I feel huge with even this much growth even though I know I have a long way to go!  Oh boy!  It's uncomfortable bending over or doing anything abdominally related even now. 
    I also had an appointment on Monday and met with one of the two doctors that may deliver me.  She was really nice.  She tried to listen to the baby's heartbeat, and I mean TRIED because the baby was doing backflips and somersaults apparently.  She had to try to trap the baby using her hand and the microphone gadget thing.  I started getting a little nervous when she was struggling so much, but she reassured me that this was a great thing to have a healthy and active baby!  6 days until ultrasound day!

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