What a great day this has been!  Today Madelyn received her baby blessing.  Dan put a lot of thought into what he wanted to say and  it all turned out great.  As much as we hoped she wouldn't be fussy during the blessing, Madelyn had her own plans.  Saturday night she slept like a champ and only woke up once, which I was grateful for since I had limited sleep Friday night and was feeling achy all day on Saturday.  BUT, that meant I had to wake her up to get dressed, which she was not used to.  Usually I'm trying to keep her sleeping as long as possible.  So I disrupted her sleep, got her dressed in her frilly dress (actually, the one I wore when I was blessed) and tried to speed nurse her in order to get to the church.  Well that kept her happy right up until she was surrounded by a bunch of men being bounced around with her feet over her head (apparently they weren't holding her very level...)  She cried the whole time, but Dan said it was better that she cried from the start, otherwise it would have thrown him off if she started up half way through.

All in all it was a special occasion.  She was surrounded by almost all her uncles (a couple of brothers-in-law were out of state), both grandpas, and some friends from the ward.  I even submitted to Dan's coaxing and bore my testimony.  With Dan contemplating what to say in the blessing, and me trying to plan for the day's events, I completely forgot about that tradition of the mother bearing her testimony.  My words were a little "sputtery" since my thoughts were kind of all over the place, but the sentiment was there. 

We feel truly blessed to have this new little spirit to love and nurture.  Happy Blessing Day Maddy!

6/10/2008 05:10:25 am

Oh.. she looks so precious! I am so sad that we missed it! I am glad that it all went well. She seriously is darling. I hope all is going well!

6/10/2008 05:15:50 am

It sounds like it was such a nice day. I still need to come see you. The last several weeks have been kind of crazy, but I really want to see that precious baby of yours. Keep posting pictures. She's growing way too fast.


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