So it's been 3 days since we got our positive and I'm DYING to tell our families!  We made a decision to wait a few weeks, before Dan leaves for Venezuela.  We're brainstorming about fun ways we can share the news and we know we want it to be when everyone is present in our respective families.  I'm so excited to see everyone's reactions!  It will be the first grandchild for my side of the family and the MacKinlay's 14th - with one coming in October.  But regardless, it's our first and much cause for CELEBRATION!  It's soooo hard keeping this news to ourselves.  To make matters worse, I will be spending a lot of time at my parent's house while Dan is on an audit in Glendale with a LOT of time for "girl talk" with my mom.  I have to somehow get it off my mind for a while.  But then I wonder, what if I start getting morning sickness, my mom will for sure notice....  Well I'll just have to hope for the best in keeping this news our secret.  It is nice to have this special secret just between us, it's kinda fun......for now!

10/8/2013 08:25:01 pm

Nice work you are doing and i like the site also and if i have any one then i will tell them about you.


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