So all the books and email newsletters describe this point in pregnancy as "the home stretch!"  I have officially reached the 3rd trimester and I'm feeling good!  The anticipation continues to build as I see my belly grow bigger and bigger, as Madelyn's movements are stronger, as we acquire more baby stuff and plans for baby showers are made. 

By the way, my friend/family baby shower is planned for Saturday, February 9th.  For those of you in AZ you are most definitely invited and I need you to send me your addresses!  Anyone who isn't and on the off chance has the urge to come to AZ to warm up and join the party, I would love it!  Just let me know and I can get you the details!

I feel very blessed to have had no complications thus far in my pregnancy and pray that will continue to be the case for the duration.  I plan to better commit myself to eating healthier and exercising more regularly, since the holidays pretty much ruined me in that regard...

Below is my 27 week belly shot, plus some pictures of the baby stuff we're acquiring.  I don't plan to design much of a nursery just yet, for one I don't know what kind of bedding/colors I'll have, for two we plan to move shortly after Madelyn's arrival so my efforts would be for naught.  For the rocker/glider I plan to enlist my mom for help in creating slip covers for the pads since they are so light and would get dirty fast, so that will be changing somewhat.  I've begun hanging clothes up, even though she probably won't fit into any of them by the time we move, but it's just fun to have them hanging up!  Okay...enjoy the pictures...more to come I'm sure!

1/17/2008 06:23:17 am jr comments are working now?

1/17/2008 06:23:35 am


mo schro
2/3/2008 04:22:23 am

homestrech! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. she's on her way!


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