pregnancy calendar

So today was our big day (with bigger and biggest days to come...)!  Dan came with me for the 18 week ultrasound and if you couldn't tell from the color changes to the baby tickers....IT'S A GIRL!!!  We are both very excited!!! 

Dan was leaning more towards wanting a boy, and I was honestly indifferent.  I feel like there are advantages to both, however there seems to be a LOT of cuter stuff for girls!  But we know a girl is what we're supposed to have and next time we'll be hoping for a boy!  For now we are just letting it all sink in and it is SO NICE to be able to say "SHE" now!

We were both enthralled by the ultrasound, particularly Dan since it was his first time seeing all the movement.  The heart rate was at 145bpm and everything is healthy and normal!  So far so good!  Phew!!!   She isn't even here yet and I'm already a worried parent!  Our appointment was at 7:30am this morning, so I think she was still kinda sleepy and not quite as active as before, but I expect to be feeling kicks any day now!

We didn't really have time to call family to tell them because we had to be home for our life insurance policy physicals.  Kinda random I know, but Dan took the morning off and wanted it to be as productive as possible!  So the nurse that came was actually the first to know we're having a girl...sorry Grandmas and Grandpas!  We also brought a video cassette to record the ultrasound, but the lady must have messed up, because all we got was black...bummer.  So that's our news!

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