Yesterday we FINALLY took a pregnancy test.  Dan was so skeptical thinking, there's no way we could be pregnant yet, so what if you're a week late, are you sure you're counting right??  Oh my heavens!  I was getting more and more curious and anxious to find out, had Dan not been in town to hold me back, I would have gotten a test on my own.  While I was skeptical too, I still wanted to know what was going on and maybe rule out pregnancy. 

We bought the test Tuesday night and decided to wait until morning.  I wasn't sure if Dan was thinking about it as much as I was (it kept me up nights!), until he said, first thing, "wanna take the test?"    Well, as soon as the stick was submerged it was a flaming blue POSITIVE!  I hadn't read past the point of how to take the test, so while I was submerging the stick and Dan was counting the 20 seconds and I saw it turning, I called him over and was like....OH MY WORD!  Dan was in shock...I don't think he said anything he just kept reading the instructions and looking at the test.  Meanwhile I'm flooded with, shock and elated feelings all at the same time!  We hugged, I teared up, it was a great moment!  Finally an explanation for having to go to the bathroom every 30 minutes and falling asleep at 8pm!

So now I'm really anxious to tell EVERYONE I know!  Especially our families.  But Dan thinks we should hold off until we're out of "the danger zone."  I'm torn between both, so I think for now at least we'll wait until right before Dan leaves for Venezuela (grrrrr - I'm grrring at the Venezuela, not the having to wait to tell...)  Thus I've hidden this page on our website until the announcement day comes!

So back to yesterday....We sat down and savored the moment and we're both thinking, "Now what???"  We got online to hold some library books, we started researching things....My mind is flooded with baby this and baby that.  I have an entire page filled with questions for the doctor.  Which by the way, I have no doctor in Mesa, and I'd really like a referral, but since we're not telling anyone yet, I'm stuck....  In my reading it seems like most doctors don't want to see you until your 8-10 weeks along.  If I'm counting from the right date, I'm just now starting my 4th week.

We went to see a matinée showing of "The Bourne Ultimatum" and even through the action-packed intense scenes, I was thinking about our news!  I can't help myself...there is so much to wrap my head around.  I even find myself fast forwarding to the blessing day (I tend to avoid thinking about the whole labor part...) and when to have the next one, etc.  I can hardly contain myself...  But luckily Dan said he was thinking about it too haha!  Phew!  I'm not the only one with thoughts racing!

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