I just had a minute and wanted to post some fun pictures that I don't think have made it to the slide show yet.  It's already been a week and Madelyn is firmly in our hearts and we are loving every minute!  For the last few nights she's been sleeping for 3-4 hrs at a time, she starts to get squirmy and grunting and that's when I get up to feed her, then she usually goes right back to sleep for another 3 hours or so.  It's been great so far!  We'll see how long it continues!

A first time grandpa and his 9 hour old granddaughter.

Just a few of my favorites...

All packed up and ready to finally go home!!  Yeah, she hates that pacifier now...go figure...

I love the cherries on her bum!  Thanks for the cute outfit Julie!

How can you not love this face!??!?

Scruffy Uncle Erik stops by for a visit!   She looks like a doll in his arms...his 77 inches versus her 20 inches...go figure...

Hahaha...don't ask.  She has been a lot more smiley these days, even while she's nursing or sleeping.  It's so funny.

Her favorite post nursing/sleeping position.  Like a little frog.  And she always has her hands up by her face though she isn't quite coordinated enough yet to really suck on them.  I also try to sit her up and put her jaw between my thumb and forefinger to burp her, but when she's really sleepy she just automatically turns her head to the side in my hand so she can continue sleeping.  It's the cutest thing!

Her cousin Seth is almost 6 months old.  He looks so huge compared to Madelyn!  Both cuties!!

After her first outing...to the doctor.  It was pretty traumatic and she fell asleep on the car ride home.  I didn't bother disturbing her and let her stay put.  I'm nervous when they start doing the vaccine shot appointments!  I think it might be more traumatic for me!

4/17/2008 02:05:40 pm

Yeah! More Maddie pics. She is soooo adorable! I love the picture you got of Dan and her sleeping, and all the other ones were adorable too. She is such a beautiful little baby. I wish I were there to see her in person. Hugs my friend!

4/18/2008 01:29:46 am

CUTE PICS! Keep 'em coming! Here's a request... try to capture one of Mom w/ Maddy. I know it'll be tough, but I think you're up to the task!

4/22/2008 10:56:35 am

She is so cute! Brynlie cried for 10 minutes for "that baby" after you dropped by tonight. haha! I told her maybe when she gets older she can play with her. I found those little baby mittens right after you left so if we walk that way I will drop them by or something.
Have a very happy birthday!

heather blinzinger
4/24/2008 02:47:09 pm

Hey Kristen, I know you probably have your hands full being a new mom and all, but for goodness sakes girl....post more pics. It's been a week and baby's change and grow very quickly. I need more Maddie updates and pics. Hugs to you guys!!


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