Friday was Madelyn's 2 month Dr. appointment, which means...dun dun duuunnn...shots, shots and more shots.  I was REALLY dreading it, but also anxious to get it over with.  Dan was able to meet me there for moral support.  Madelyn was already cranky because she was tired and I had to wake her up to undress her for the doc.  So she wasn't entirely happy with me, but put on her happy face for the doctor for her exam.  Then we had to wait, what seemed like an eternity, for the nurse to come back at the end for the shots and unfortunately Madelyn's contentment had expired by then. 

I'm happy to say we all survived and Madelyn promptly fell asleep on the drive home.  The last few days she's battled a fever and hasn't quite been herself.  She seemed so out of it especially on Friday and Saturday, with little awake time.  And even when she was awake she wasn't quite all there, despite her efforts with weak smiles and limp kicks and wiggles.  Fortunately she seems to be coming out of it and back to normal and we had a good Sunday visiting both sides of the family.

You can see her owies in this picture, although I took it to show her cute socks.  My brother Scott gave her a set of these for Christmas last year while she was still a fetus. haha

Here are her stats:
Height: 23 3/4 inches (90%)
Weight: 10lbs 7 oz (50%)  (that's 11oz gain since last appt a month ago)
Head: 39.2 cm (50%) (her hair probably makes it look twice as big as it is)

We got ourselves a healthy growing baby girl with thighs like her mommy and dimples like her daddy! ;)

6/21/2008 06:03:44 am

Poor baby! I hate the shots so bad.. they scare me! Sounds like she is very healthy and is a long little baby. All the pics of her hair are so cute!


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