No joke here...This little girl is still hanging in there!  Which I'm glad for one reason, I kinda wanted an April baby as planned and didn't want an April Fool's Day baby.

I know my tickers say 6 days to go, TECHNICALLY that's not true.  I put in the April 7th due date because it was earlier and that's what the ultrasound calculated.  But the Dr. has my due date for April 9th.  So when my next appointment comes around on Monday April 7th, if Madelyn hasn't come already, they will probably schedule me to be induced shortly after. 

I'm not working anymore (last day was Friday).  I think the directors were glad though, I don't think they wanted me to go into labor during instruction time.  Plus I was about 2 days away from showing up in Dan's basketball shorts because work clothes just weren't happenin!  So yes, I'm VERY preggo, and no I don't have any pants or shirts that will hide my belly anymore since she has dropped so low, but the end is in sight and I think I can hang on if she doesn't come for another week.  This weekend would be nice though!!  Think happy thoughts for me!

4/2/2008 06:17:39 am

I'm so excited for you and will be thinking happy thoughts for you.


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