Still pregnant.  I had my OB appointment today, with one of the doctor's this time.  She gave me a little bit different information than I was previously given.  I'm 60% effaced and a good 2 cm (not almost 3) dilated.  Not a huge difference, but still.  So she asked me about inducing, I told her I was hesitant to do that, but wanted her best advice.  She didn't really tell me anything other than she wouldn't really want me to go past 41 weeks.  So I have a week window.  If we have to induce, we might as well pick a convenient day, like Friday or Saturday, be discharged on Sunday or Monday.  That would give Dan the weekend to be with me and only have to take a day or two off work.  So what do I do people??  I really want Madelyn to come on her own, and she still might, but if I'm going to have to be induced, why not pick the day right?  Uuuugh...hopefully the next few days will decide that for us and she can come on her own.  I just have to call the Dr by probably Wed if I want to be induced Fri or Sat.

4/8/2008 03:42:16 am

Oh man! Still pregnant! Well- at least she is going to be very healthy with all that time in there! I knew you had your appointment yersterday so I just had to check and see what happened. I don't know what I would do. hummmm.. I think I would probably schedule to be induced just becuase I know what a hard time I had having Brynlie and she was only 4 lbs. So if it were me I would probably schedule for this weekend just becuase the bigger she gets the harder labor could be (and you know she has been in there long enough to be healthy). But I know what you mean... it would be so nice for her to come on her own and labor probably wouldn't be as long that way. Goodness! I don't know! Sounds like they won't let you go much longer without inducing you anyway so I guess you might as well pick a convienient day!
We are going out of town this weekend but keep me posted and let me know what happens! We will be back no Sunday if you need anything!

4/8/2008 11:52:03 pm

Hey Kristen! Still preggo! At least you seem to have a pretty good attitude about it. I understand your feeling and if I had to get induced, I would probably do it over the weekend too. Meanwhile, I would do everything I could do to encourage that baby to come on her own. I am sure you have probably googled to check out things you could do. Good luck chica. Know that your in my thoughts and prayers. Love you!


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