So Dan and I decided that we would alternate who was in charge of our "love" celebrations - Valentine's and Anniversary.  This year Dan was in charge of Valentine's and boy did he do a great job!  I mentioned in my last blog about the flowers Dan got for me the night before when he went out to do all of the grocery shopping.  See pic below.  (When I first got them, there was only one bud blooming, a couple have opened each day since to give me this beautiful bouquet!)  Well, that was just the beginning...

That night I came home from work to find him cooking up a storm in the kitchen.  He wouldn't let me look at what he was making so I was banished to the upstairs until he called me down 45 min later.  He gave me a hint that the dinner would be "ethnic" and something we've never had before.  So I was clueless until he brought out his homemade hummus and pita baked "chips" for the opening course.  Next came a Greek salad with fresh tomatoes and cucumbers and his own dressing creation.  And finally was the pita meal.  Yummy warm pitas stuffed with specially seasoned chicken breast, fresh lettuce and tomatoes, and his made from scratch tzatziki.  YUM!  I planned on taking a picture of it all, but I ate it too fast and completely forgot.

How lucky am I to have a man that can not only grocery shop on his own without bringing home cookies, chips and fruit loops, but who can also COOK!?!!  Then he gave me a thoughtful card and small gifts and we enjoyed the rest of our restful evening.  What a sweet Valentine I have!!

2/21/2008 10:02:36 pm

What a man! That sounds delicious! I was laughing pictuing Aaron making that! He struggles with instant potatos! :)
That is funny about your phone (and sad)! I droped mine in the sink the other day when I was washing Brynlie's hands and thought it was ruined but it started working again the nex day!
Talk to you Saturday!


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