Typically when we go out, with or without Madelyn, it involves a trip to the grocery store.  Lame...I know.  But on occasion we have added a little more excitement to our outings, mostly because it has involved other people.

By other people, I mean one couple specifically.  Our fabulously fun friends, Brittney and Aaron and their cutie patutie little girl, Brynlie.  We know other couples, but they are the only ones who will hang out with us!  Ha!  No seriously, we do have more interesting dates when we go out with other people though.  This picture was taken when we hit up Mesa Fro Yo for a little sugar fix and then over to MCC planetarium for a show and telescope viewing.  It was fun, despite the bizarre pigeon deterrent of recorded bird noises that played randomly over the outdoor speakers.

Look closely and you'll see Maddy chugging her bottle in the stroller.

More recently was a Mystery Murder dinner party that Brittney hosted.  We were each preassigned a character to dress up as, there were 4 couples, and we were given "scripts" to play the game.  We had to act like our characters in various conversations and "scenes" all the while trying to figure out who murdered one of the other characters.  Most of us had never played a game like that before so it took a couple of rounds to grasp the concept.  It was a lot of fun!  These are our mug shots.... Dan was Lloyd Lunchbox and I was Gigi Sparkle, looking guilty as ever.  I don't have our character descriptions anymore, otherwise I'd post them, they were pretty funny.  Thanks for the fun times B & A!

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