The signs are here...  We've had two days just in this past week of overcast skies, today it even rained, well sprinkled and the highs are still in the 80's...  And everywhere I turn (or everywhere I have to slow down to go 25mph in a 45mph zone because I'm trapped behind someone) I see the unfamiliar license plates from Minnesota, New York, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, etc, etc, etc...  The snowbird invasion is upon us. 

And then of course, the stores are all dressed up for Christmas, Walmart has rows upon rows of Christmas decorations, I even heard Christmas music playing in the grocery store.  I do enjoy the holiday season (as mentioned in a previous post), however I do NOT enjoy the commercialization of it all.  With every store getting too early of a jump on things to take the most advantage of the shopping season.  I enjoy looking at those things, but it's unfortunate that "the thankful season" is brushed by the wayside.  I don't think that Thanksgiving can be overlooked  simply because it is more about being grateful for what you already have and sharing that with others.  It's not about wish lists and what Santa will bring.  A thankful giving heart is a more important focus, but since costumes and candy aren't purchased and gifts aren't given during 'that November holiday,' I guess it's more easily overlooked, by retail society anyway.  And unfortunately they are in full and accessible and enticeable view of all.

I'm not really ranting...just reflecting...  Feel free to post a comment and share your thoughts. :o)  (and yes, I do already have 3 gifts purchased and wrapped...if you can't beat 'em...)

"Arizona spreads welcome mat for snowbirds"

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