I'm not sure how many of my family or friends frequent our website... chances are the ones that do already know our happy news.  But what you DIDN'T know is that I started "Blog Jr." basically from the day we found out, because there was so much going on in my head that I needed an outlet!  I had the page hidden and am now doing the unveiling since I've heard the heartbeat, seen the baby squirming around and can rest assured that I AM in fact pregnant!  Yay!  A reason for the gagging!  Anyway, you can now subscribe to that blog as well if you're interested in pregnancy/baby updates!

10/9/2007 05:06:45 am

Tried to leave this message on Blog Jr. but it won't let me. Says there is an error - so here it is: (in reference to the heartbeat and the Jr. Blog)

Totally cool! It does work. I listened to it and it took me back to when I was preggo with Livvy. Such a wonderful time. Enjoy each moment. I am so glad you created this Jr. Blog. It's fun to read what you're up to and the feelings you have as you go through this pregnancy journey. .


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