I spoke too soon...the nausea is here and in full swing.  Luckily no puking....yet....I have random gagging episodes and I never really feel like eating but I make myself.  I feel sick ALL day, never 100% and certain times of day are worse than others, but it still hangs on.  The only time I don't notice it is when I'm sleeping, thank goodness for sleep!  Still doing a lot of it when I can.  I don't know how women do this and still work and/or have other children to look after.  I guess I shouldn't complain about anything! 

My first appointment is in 2 weeks.  I was referred to this doctor by my sister in law, Katina, who raved about her, so that put my mind at ease.  I was calling the most random people to get referrals, but everyone referred me to Goodman & Partridge practice.  I mean EVERYONE.  It's like they have a monopoly over the entire East Valley.  Ironically, they were the only practice I was referred NOT to go to.  I much prefer the idea of seeing only one or two doctors, versus a different doctor nearly every visit.  We'll see how the first appointment goes!

I'm nervous about the 2nd appointment.  That will be my 12 week one where I believe we'll hear the heartbeat for the first time.  Right now it is set for the Friday Dan returns from Venezuela.  I could postpone until Monday, except Dan has to get on a plane on Sunday for New Jersey.  Grrrrrr!!!  I don't know how this is going to work, but he can't miss this one!  I never thought we'd still be faced with this traveling issue.  The job hunt is taking MUCH longer than expected.  We can only hope and pray things will change for the better soon so Dan will be around for these important stages of pregnancy, let alone the birth!  I don't know what I'd do if he missed that.  Pray for us!


So September 2 was going to be the next time my family was all going to be together for family dinner.  I couldn't possibly be expected to wait that long, so on a whim, Dan and I decided we would tell my parents alone at dinner on Friday night.  We were already planning to eat there before we drove back to our house after our week in Glendale.  My mom had to leave for a while and that's when I went to work and pulled together a pseudo baby announcement.  The plan was, I'd go out to my car saying I needed something and come back in saying "I found this on the door, Mom."  She would open it thinking it was another party she had to attend until she read it.  Well both my parents are basically blind apparently so it took them a few minutes (which felt like forever) and both of them looking at it, to realize what it was all about.  We think they were just in shock because of their reaction.  I'm sure my mom is now dying to share with her friends, but we told them we weren't telling anyone other than family just yet.  (hence the reason why I still won't be posting this page)  Until I'm more like 10-12 weeks along, hopefully I can hold out!

Next, we called my sister on speaker, and I got ahold of Erik via IM.  So he called me later last night and got the news and then I called Scott this morning.  I asked them what they were doing in April and would they be available to be an uncle/aunt!?!??  Scott started jumping ahead a little and asking us what names we were thinking of and already vetoing some of Dan's...hahaha!  But it made me happy to be able to share with my family - the first Rogers' grandbaby!!  And I look forward to Sunday when we get to tell Kent and Debbie they're going to have their 14th!  Baby Mack already has one cousin on the way, due in October, so they'll be able to bond being so close in age!  More to come on Announcement #2!


#1 - My bladder shrunk to about the size of a pea, I'm sure of it!----- this is wayyy too much information Krissy
#2 - I started falling asleep on the couch, before Dan even felt tired, that was his red flag that something was up (apparently not red enough to have me take the pregnancy test!)  I kept thinking I was just off schedule from all our traveling...
#3 - Bionic senses, mainly my sense of smell.

No weird food aversions or cravings yet....and no nausea or puking YAY!!!...to be continued....


So it's been 3 days since we got our positive and I'm DYING to tell our families!  We made a decision to wait a few weeks, before Dan leaves for Venezuela.  We're brainstorming about fun ways we can share the news and we know we want it to be when everyone is present in our respective families.  I'm so excited to see everyone's reactions!  It will be the first grandchild for my side of the family and the MacKinlay's 14th - with one coming in October.  But regardless, it's our first and much cause for CELEBRATION!  It's soooo hard keeping this news to ourselves.  To make matters worse, I will be spending a lot of time at my parent's house while Dan is on an audit in Glendale with a LOT of time for "girl talk" with my mom.  I have to somehow get it off my mind for a while.  But then I wonder, what if I start getting morning sickness, my mom will for sure notice....  Well I'll just have to hope for the best in keeping this news our secret.  It is nice to have this special secret just between us, it's kinda fun......for now!


Yesterday we FINALLY took a pregnancy test.  Dan was so skeptical thinking, there's no way we could be pregnant yet, so what if you're a week late, are you sure you're counting right??  Oh my heavens!  I was getting more and more curious and anxious to find out, had Dan not been in town to hold me back, I would have gotten a test on my own.  While I was skeptical too, I still wanted to know what was going on and maybe rule out pregnancy. 

We bought the test Tuesday night and decided to wait until morning.  I wasn't sure if Dan was thinking about it as much as I was (it kept me up nights!), until he said, first thing, "wanna take the test?"    Well, as soon as the stick was submerged it was a flaming blue POSITIVE!  I hadn't read past the point of how to take the test, so while I was submerging the stick and Dan was counting the 20 seconds and I saw it turning, I called him over and was like....OH MY WORD!  Dan was in shock...I don't think he said anything he just kept reading the instructions and looking at the test.  Meanwhile I'm flooded with, shock and elated feelings all at the same time!  We hugged, I teared up, it was a great moment!  Finally an explanation for having to go to the bathroom every 30 minutes and falling asleep at 8pm!

So now I'm really anxious to tell EVERYONE I know!  Especially our families.  But Dan thinks we should hold off until we're out of "the danger zone."  I'm torn between both, so I think for now at least we'll wait until right before Dan leaves for Venezuela (grrrrr - I'm grrring at the Venezuela, not the having to wait to tell...)  Thus I've hidden this page on our website until the announcement day comes!

So back to yesterday....We sat down and savored the moment and we're both thinking, "Now what???"  We got online to hold some library books, we started researching things....My mind is flooded with baby this and baby that.  I have an entire page filled with questions for the doctor.  Which by the way, I have no doctor in Mesa, and I'd really like a referral, but since we're not telling anyone yet, I'm stuck....  In my reading it seems like most doctors don't want to see you until your 8-10 weeks along.  If I'm counting from the right date, I'm just now starting my 4th week.

We went to see a matinée showing of "The Bourne Ultimatum" and even through the action-packed intense scenes, I was thinking about our news!  I can't help myself...there is so much to wrap my head around.  I even find myself fast forwarding to the blessing day (I tend to avoid thinking about the whole labor part...) and when to have the next one, etc.  I can hardly contain myself...  But luckily Dan said he was thinking about it too haha!  Phew!  I'm not the only one with thoughts racing!